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Enotis Olive Groves & Museum

Enotis Olive Groves & Museum is a fifth generation family-owned company located in Corfu, a Greek island with a history in olive oil production. The family acquired its first oil mill 80 years ago and today, it operates five different olive mills. The centuries-old olive trees, set on 300 acres of land, are of Corfu Lianolia variety and produce more than 20 tons of olive oil every year.

The unique flavor and high nutritional value of Enotis extra virgin olive oil, comes as a result of the special care at every stage of production, along with the passion and hard work of all the members of the Constantis family. The rich soil of Corfu contributes to the excellent characteristics of the product and the production of an exclusive olive oil.

Olive oil has become synonymous with Greek nutrition throughout the centuries. Today, Greek extra virgin olive oil is recognized as one of the most highly awarded in the world, achieving first prize wins in the majority of competitions. Enotis’, vision is to promote the international recognition of Greek olive oil by producing a branded EVOO that meets all the requirements of a premium product.

Enotis olive oil meets all specifications at every stage of production. The olives of the Constantis family are hand-picked and the production is done with the “cold pressing” method to preserve the taste and quality of the olive oil. All these result to the production of two exceptional extra virgin olive oils. The rare Kalon and the aromatic Agathon.

To promote the Extra Virgin Olive Oil of Corfu island, in Greece and abroad as an excellent olive oil that represents the Mediterranean flavor. Christodoulos and Giorgos are the fifth generation of Constantis family to continue the long tradition of their ancestors in olive oil production, applying modern techniques. The 5th generation of the Constantis family continues the family tradition. Enotis: a name which symbolizes the bonding of the family and their common vision:

A unique experience in time and in the culture of Corfu. A journey through the history of olive tree and olive oil through the family and local traditional olive oil production. The history of the Konstantis family olive oil mill acquired their first licensed mill in 1940. However, the family’s mills had been operating since 1897 while from the mid-20th century onwards the production of the family’s mill increased significantly as new machinery allowed production in a shorter period of time for greater oil.

Olive oil production in Corfu is earliest references to the existence of olive trees on the island of Corfu are found in Homer’s Odyssey. The cultivation of olive trees is a year-round process that practically never stops. Each new “cycle” of olive grove care begins immediately after the harvest, which is essentially the last stage of the process.

Things you expect to see in the museum: The history of olive tree and olive oil production industry in Corfu, the care of the olive grove (tree, cultivation, ploughing), the stages of olive oil production from the 19th century and its evolution in later years, the storage of olive oil.

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