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Dr. Kavvadia

Doctor Kavvadia was an orthopaedic surgeon who lived on the island of Corfu many years ago. The Doctor’s greatest passion was producing olive oil from his centenarian olive grove, a very special grove, from a local variety called “Lianelia”.

Dr. Kavvadia olive trees are now organically certified and cultivated in the most natural way, allowing the ecosystem of the grove to work with the farmer, delivering a hand-made, award winning olive oil of unmatched quality. He had a hunch, that when olive oil is produced correctly, it acquires the healing properties of medicine.

To achieve this, the doctor treated his olive grove with the utmost respect, using only natural ways of farming. His techniques, today, would be called a blend of permaculture and sustainable farming. He knew that only strong, healthy, and happy olive trees will produce fruit with the exceptional characteristics that he sought. He made sure his olive grove felt the same way. If you want to try our Organic Antioxidant Rich Extra Virgin Olive Oil, look no further.

Today, Dr. Kavvadias Organic Farm is run by the Doctors grandson, Apostolos. Apostolos began where the Doctor left off making olive oil in the same way as the Doctor while continuing the family tradition of caring for the same olive grove. Dr. Kavvadias’ olive trees are now organically certified and cultivated in the most natural way, allowing the ecosystem of the grove to work with the farmer, delivering a hand-made, award winning olive oil of unmatched quality.

Dr. Kavvadia was among the first producers worldwide to produce and bottle two rare and local varieties, Lianelia of Corfu and Thiako, and was the first producer ever to win Gold quality awards in New York and Tokyo, showing the potential of our amazing local varieties and making them known to a wider public. Dr. Kavvadia produces olive oil from two local and rare varieties, Lianelia and Thiako.

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