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Apartments Corfu

Apartments Corfu is a complete Corfu accommodation guide, that includes the accommodation provided to the holiday travellers to Corfu island. We have searched in each worth seeing visiting place of Corfu the accommodation provided to suits to your needs.

We include some of the most luxurious hotels, private villas and mainly apartments and studios, for affordable or expensive holidays, for lonely or family travellers, for party enjoying travellers or for alternative or sport- adventure loving travellers, any accommodation provided on the island in order to prove that holiday accommodation of Corfu can satisfy the needs of every visitor on the island.

Apartments Corfu before you visit Corfu we give you the chance to admire the special beauty of the island, guiding you with astonishing pictures of all he worth seeing places of the island and their special historical and architectural interest. Let us guide you and welcome you to Corfu Island, the place where west part of Europe meets the East part forming the unique scenery of Corfu island into the crystal blue waters of the Ionian sea.

There is a magical place in the world, a place where time stops and the journey into the pleasures and the treasures of life begins, a place where human history had started and the place from which the human kind will always have something to know about life leaving.

Borned on one of the most attractive and unique Greek islands, a place where there is something magical in its energy, something that will always make you come back or to keep you stay forever on it, the people of the team who created the Apartments Corfu, has been inspired by the beauty of the island and the need to guide the travellers to Corfu so that they also get the chance to feel and taste the beauty of the west part of Greece and the Ionian Sea from the magical Corfu island.

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